Creating Inspiration

I love creating. Writing and building stories. I enjoy making things, cards, art work, knitting, gardening.

Someone asked me the other day where my inspiration came from and how come I did so many different things?

My answer was simple, why not? A window in my life opened up and has given me the freedom and fresh air to do all of these things. It’s always been there, since I was a child. Having to make my own entertainment and parents who encouraged me to follow my dreams.

I realise as I have grown older my mother particularly recognised my creative streak and did her best to encourage it and nurture it. Her only by-line was gaining a good education.

The writing perhaps takes priority because I overflow with ideas and stories. My inspiration comes from many sources. However, I grew up living above a shop my mother owned. At a certain age, I was allowed to help and it is from here the world began to open up.

I was a sixties child, free flowing and brought up by free flowing parents. There were rules, a strictness, a need to learn to be polite and well mannered but there was a recognition we are all individuals. It is this which I think was the greatest hurdle to overcome. Not everyone thought like that and there was a hesitation if you were slightly out of kelter with others.

These days, we can be like that. At least we can try to strive to grow into our own personalities and characters. In my writing I hope I attain a little of that. There is still a long way to go to enhance how diverse life is but I am hopeful we will get there.

As for my other creative crafts well, my garden ebbs and flows as does the paint which covers my canvas.

It is not being afraid to step out of the shadows and try. Even if it is just to prove to yourself you can do it. There doesn’t have to be a grand plan. Just a desire to do something and see where it takes you. Isn’t that how great art works have been created and wonderful stories told?

Art is a wonderful expression of what we sometimes find hard to vocalise. Words are often easier to write than say. Gardening is a way of nurturing and finding peace and harmony with nature. Knitting is a therapy for focus and making something from a ball of wool.

Yet something as simple as the sun setting and the sun rising bring joy to the heart as well. Often it is just the simple things which create the most value.

Thanks for taking time to stop by.

A Road to Where?

I live in a sleepy little hamlet in a remote corner of Yorkshire. Moving here was to escape an extremely busy working life and begin a new chapter of rest, restorative healing and a chance to follow the creative streaks which run through me.

Naturally, nothing goes according to plan. Life still throws curve balls and just when you think you are back on track, whoosh you are taking another turn from the main road.

I’ve never really been a planner, I have been optimistic that things will always work out. The cosmos has a way of steering you when you need it most. It’s difficult though for those who need a plan. For them there is a need to know a little of the road ahead. Opportunities have been put in my path and I have taken them or left them depending on circumstances. I’ve made some dreadful decisions. We are not perfect.

However, I have come this far and whilst I recall my own trepidations and anxious moments, my strength in my belief that it will work out has held me. Growing older, my belief is ever thus strong and I find I have become more spiritual. My grandsons call them my life lessons. Whatever they may be they sustain and strengthen my inner self.

None more so than when I am writing. Forging characters and stories from the depths of your mind. It’s like being a wordologist. Is that a new word? My stories have yet to published and yet last week I was thrilled to learn I was a runner up in a short story competition. I received some wonderful comments.

The creative streak is ever present and my belief is ever strong that it will happen. I find when letting my mind empty and allow the freedom of energy to pulse, I create a river of words that I wonder where they came from. Losing myself in the moment. Capturing the images floating through my brain and bringing those characters to life. Carving a backdrop to the story which I bring to life.

However you sustain yourself, it is the belief you can which I find the hardest. Others may tell you to plod on, keep going but when you have a moment that validates all of the hours you have put in somehow that joy rises up and you can do anything.

Spring is upon us and whilst the crazy weather is confusing, it is a re birth of nature and who knows of ourselves. As we plot our way out of the crisis which has held us all, maybe it is about believing.

Whatever you are working on, dreaming of, considering, may you find the road ahead has few bends.

Stay safe and thank you for dropping by.

Searching, Seeking, Finding

Since starting this blog, I have been humbled by the interest in it. Many people write blogs for differing reasons. I guess mine was to explore that streak within which craves to be creative. I have discovered many who are but wrestle with the spark. It is the spark which ignites the pursuit.

It is often our self doubt and lack of belief which confronts us and hinders the way forward. We can see in the distance what we would love to create but it remains elusive. The self doubt often over whelming our belief sadly cancelling our desire.

This week I met a friend who appears to have found her niche. The joy in her enthusiasm and delight in at last finding something was wonderful and uplifting. Another friend relishes the pots of paints and taking a blank page and evolving an image which is beautiful in its simplicity.

Both of these wonderful people are talented and skilful. Though uncertain if what they are doing will meet their own expectations. My message would be take heart from those around you who gaze in awe at your accomplishments. Be kinder to your selves.

I know from my own experiences that it is difficult to accept praise. Always thinking my work could be better. Naturally there is an element where we need to hone those skills and be the best we can.

For me, it is in the attempt and trials of having a go. For how do we know what we can achieve if we don’t try?

One day the trying will lead to something and it is that something which urges me on and builds the belief it can be done.

Stay safe and thanks for dropping by